Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Traveling with child

As most of you know, we're getting ready to make our first journey across the US with our 10 month old. I am stressed out about it.
All of it.
Packing, airports, plane rides, driving so long in the car, being in non-child proofed houses, time changes, sleeping arrangements. The list could go on.
I was wondering if any Mom's had advice for me. Any kind of advice. My big worry right now is forgetting to pack something crucial.
Also, I've been hearing nasty stories about baby's ears getting a lot of pressure from the altitude change on the plane. Obviously, they don't know how to pop their ears. Any ideas on how to deal with that?
Any other suggestions.... ?

Free shampoo!
Click on suavenomics and fill out your name & addy.
They'll send you a coupon!
Too cool not to share!
Hurry, today only!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10 months old!

I take Aubree's picture every month on her "month day" This was the hardest picture taking session yet! She doesn't want to sit still, that's for sure!

First, I tried the normal position in her bouncy seat. Wasn't happening. See picture below!

So I tried out her big girl chair. She's still a little too small :)

Where does the time go?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pay it Forward

Life is full of surprises.
However, few things are 'true' surprises that we never saw coming.
Here's a chance to "pay it forward" and surprise three people you may/may not know and, in return, be surprised yourself!


To play Pay It Forward, you must:
1. Have your own blog
2. You must be willing to continue to "pay it forward" by sending the first three people who comment (on your blog) a gift. It can be homemade or bought-- there is no limit to what you can give!
3. If you are someone that I surprise you must, in return, post something similar to this on your blog, so that you can pay it forward to three more people and the surprises will continue!

(For the first three people who comment, make sure I have your email so I can get in contact with you about your gift!)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Haikus for you!

When I was watching Veggie Tales this morning, I heard them mention something about haikus. I thought I'd write some :)

I love my savior
He has given me so much
And keeps on giving

Aubree Clare Crismond
Unbelievably awesome
The best thing ever

Derek A Crismond
Thanks for being so special
Proud to be your wife

I have a brown rug
It’s right in front of the sink
Freshly washed and clean

Watching my girl dance.
Bouncing all around.
Flapping her arms with a smile.

At the computer
Nothing else really to do
But to write haikus!

Yep! And this confirms......... I'M A DORK!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Junky Car Club

We had a guest speaker today at church and he created this:
I thought it sounded neat.
The idea is that you can trade in your nice, luxurious, overpriced vehicle for a more reasonable one and do great charitable things with the savings.
I love it!
...If only I didn't already have a 13 year old car!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Orange Bowl

...and New Year of course!