Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas pictures

Some of my favorite pictures of Christmas...

*Also, I got a shot of 5 of her 7 teeth!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Eve Eve

A couple of things on my mind:

*When you have a dog that's your "baby" and then you have a real baby, the dog turns back into a dog.

*My neighbor is very festive and goes all out for every holiday. I really appreciate it and wish more people were like that. We go look at his Christmas display almost every night. Yesterday he put a sign (sheet) over his garage that said "Dear Santa, All we want for Christmas is our Mom to come home" It broke my heart. I'm so grateful I'm not in that situation because I could be very easily. I think I'm gonna make him some cookies. I'll tell him it's because we get so much happiness from his lights I thought I'd repay him. It's really because I know there's probably not a lot of baking getting done without Mom there...

*I went to Big Lots and got a 4' pink prelit Christmas tree for Aubree's room for $4.75. I'm pretty ecstatic!

Monday, December 22, 2008

I've been thinking...

...even more about Aubree's first birthday.
It looks like it's just going to be the 3 of us :(
I was really wanting to do a Dr. Seuss theme, but I want to save it for an actual party
(I think, I'm very indecisive)
So... what kind of cake can I do?
I'm having an internal battle because it's just us, but it's her only 1st birthday.
It should sort of be a big deal no matter what, right?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Beginning to feel a little like Christmas.

Today I took a nap with Aubree. When we woke up, I looked outside and saw.... SNOW!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Aubree meets Santa!

I wondered how this moment would be. If she'd be scared, or just confused, but she didn't even seem to notice she was on somebody's lap! It was SO cold out there and a ton of people around.

This is our Christmas card, too, btw!

Here's the only "family" picture that made it from the night:

10 days...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

9 months old!

Molly (aka baby), Aubree & George.


Monday, December 8, 2008

The whole session

Just in case anybody wanted to see all the pictures from Aubree's photo session on 11/11, here's the link:

Enter my e-mail address:
Access code: e0c655854e

*If it asks you for a password, it's pictures.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Doing the sick dancey dance.

One thing I've learned this month: Having a sick child sucks!

Derek's went TDY and my Dad came in stay while he was away. Aubree decides that's the perfect time to get sick. She started with a runny nose, then came the cough, sneezes, pulling of the ear, fever, vomiting (from all the mucus in her head), and lethargy.
Nice, huh?
I took her to the doctor 2 days ago and they said she had an ear infection in both ears. They gave her some amoxicillin and sent her on her way.
Well, her fever got worse, I couldn't get her to swallow tylenol and she refused to eat, so I took her back. We saw a different doctor who said neither of her ears were infected. She ran a flu test which came back negative and did a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. The conclusion is: it's viral. Which basically translates into "Your child has to suffer through this misery. Sorry"
Seeing your child sick is worse than being sick yourself . Being sick is never fun, but it doesn't break your heart like watching your child go through it.

*Editor's note: Aubree is better now with the help of some Pedialyte, and Yo Gabba Gabba.