Friday, October 8, 2010

First Birthday's are Big Ones!

On Wednesday I received an order for 48 cupcakes and a cupcake cake.
On Thursday I went to "town" to buy all the stuff I didn't already have.
On Friday... I baked!

Check out my new pan! Holds 24 cupcakes! Make me feel semi-professional :)

On Saturday I will deliver.

Also, other orders of business... I have officially created a Facebook page. Saying that, I am pleased to announce that I have FINALLY came up with a name for what I do.
Are you ready?
Drum roll please.....


Watch out. It's gonna be famous one day ;)

So, this is going to be one of my last posts totally dedicated to baking. Hey- I've got a 2 year old daughter I need to start bragging on ;)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Somebody's Turning 6 Today!

I'm assuming she is a fellow chocolate lover!

The order: two dozen chocolate cupcakes with strawberry buttercream and two dozen chocolate cookies-n-cream cupcakes.

I hope she's has a very happy birthday and is as pleased with her cupcakes as I am :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

As American as...

apple pie....cupcakes that is!

This recipe is 100% original.

I started off with a graham cracker crust (graham cracker, butter & sugar).

On top of that goes the apple pie cake batter (butter pecan cake mix, a can of apple pie filling, cinnamon, eggs, vanilla).

Post baking:

I frosted these with a cinnamon vanilla buttercream.

It was the first time I had tried the basket weave technique. It was surprisingly simple! I tried to make each cupcake look like a mini apple pie :)

I tried to make each cupcake look like a mini apple pie :)

The official score (as rated by my husband) for these cupcakes was a 9/10. I thought they were really good. Very buttery (in a good way) and screamed for a glass of milk. These are for a party this evening, so hopefully everyone else will feel the same!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Evan!!

I was more than happy to make cupcakes to celebrate a special boy's 3rd birthday.

The party was construction themed. Lots of hard hats and bulldozers!

Good party, good friends, good food. Just the way it should be :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Margarita Cupcakes

My list of cupcakes to try keeps getting shorter and shorter. I can now mark off Margarita cupcakes. I followed a recipe I found online via Google. You basically just substitute margarita mix for water. The frosting is lime buttercream. I only used the juice of one lime and biting into these cupcakes creates an explosion in your mouth! The top is sprinkled with sea salt which makes these cupcakes contain 3 of the 4 tastes your tongue can detect (sour, sweet & salty). The hubs said they were the perfect balance of sour and sweet. We were both disappointed with the cake's consistency. It just tastes like box cake. Oh well.. below are my pics.

P.S. Happy 5th Anniversary (tomorrow) to my official cupcake tester! I LOVE YOU

Sunday, August 22, 2010

More is More

Well... I just got back from a trip "home". Happy to report while on vacation, I made 6 batches of cupcakes. The only new ones I tried were S'mores by request for my sister-in-law's birthday. I'll definitely be making them again soon. I only photographed the last batch I made because I really liked how the piping turned out on them. Flowery. Take a look!

The kids liked them too.

Cousin Fry

My angel, Aubree

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

MINT Chocolate

I've been wanting to try this frosting technique for awhile now. I finally got around to it and had an epic failure on my hands. The first few times I tried dipping the cupcakes, the tops and/or frosting just fell off into the melted chocolate. Then I tried freezing the cupcakes before dipping them which seemed to help some.

All-in-all I was disappointed in more than the process. I indulged in one of the few that did manage to stay in one piece and all that added chocolate just made the top way too heavy for the cake. Luckily, most of the cupcakes I made were normal (as in cake on bottom frosting on top).

Each time I bake I consider it a learning experience. This time around I learned that mint extract is stronger than most other extracts. I used half of the amount I usually use and thought it was too much. I didn't want to feel like I was eating a big mound of toothpaste. I was also reminded of how concentrate gel food coloring is. That stuff is potent- baleedat!