Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Margarita Cupcakes

My list of cupcakes to try keeps getting shorter and shorter. I can now mark off Margarita cupcakes. I followed a recipe I found online via Google. You basically just substitute margarita mix for water. The frosting is lime buttercream. I only used the juice of one lime and biting into these cupcakes creates an explosion in your mouth! The top is sprinkled with sea salt which makes these cupcakes contain 3 of the 4 tastes your tongue can detect (sour, sweet & salty). The hubs said they were the perfect balance of sour and sweet. We were both disappointed with the cake's consistency. It just tastes like box cake. Oh well.. below are my pics.

P.S. Happy 5th Anniversary (tomorrow) to my official cupcake tester! I LOVE YOU


Candace said...

Hands down, best cupcakes I've ever had. Ever. I really wish you hadn't left them at my house, because I can't stop eating them. Cupcake perfection!

Brooke said...

Wow! What? I didn't see that coming! I'll take it, though! :)