Friday, December 5, 2008

Doing the sick dancey dance.

One thing I've learned this month: Having a sick child sucks!

Derek's went TDY and my Dad came in stay while he was away. Aubree decides that's the perfect time to get sick. She started with a runny nose, then came the cough, sneezes, pulling of the ear, fever, vomiting (from all the mucus in her head), and lethargy.
Nice, huh?
I took her to the doctor 2 days ago and they said she had an ear infection in both ears. They gave her some amoxicillin and sent her on her way.
Well, her fever got worse, I couldn't get her to swallow tylenol and she refused to eat, so I took her back. We saw a different doctor who said neither of her ears were infected. She ran a flu test which came back negative and did a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. The conclusion is: it's viral. Which basically translates into "Your child has to suffer through this misery. Sorry"
Seeing your child sick is worse than being sick yourself . Being sick is never fun, but it doesn't break your heart like watching your child go through it.

*Editor's note: Aubree is better now with the help of some Pedialyte, and Yo Gabba Gabba.

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