Sunday, November 23, 2008

Random Thoughts

My baby is walking. Officially. Everywhere. Not perfect of course, but it's her preferred means of travel.

I got to a church with a coffee shop and bookstore in it. Everybody wears jeans. And drinks their lattes in the auditorium. They have a crazy childcare system that provides pagers to the mothers and if you get paged, they have a room upstairs you can go watch church with your baby. Rocking chairs provided. They even have a college... or something. I'm still confused on that. It's pretty crazy. But I really like it.

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving... and Christmas! It's still in the 70's here. Definitely doesn't feel like the holiday season I know. My Dad is coming Wednesday. I'm really excited. Maybe being around some family will make it feel more festive.

We have tickets home. Jan 17-Feb 7. I'm SO excited. I can't wait for everybody to meet Aubree. I still can't believe some of the most important people in my life haven't even met her.

-Hold on, I have to change the song. That one makes me sad... -


:) Happy again.

And the last random thought crossing my mind is how I have 123096654163210884610 things to be thankful for. Obviously around Thanksgiving, you think about that list more than you do throughout the rest of the year, but it really hit home today when I heard that the poorest person in America is better off than 70% of the world. I'll try to think twice before complaining about something very minute again.

Very blessed,

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