Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Traveling with child

As most of you know, we're getting ready to make our first journey across the US with our 10 month old. I am stressed out about it.
All of it.
Packing, airports, plane rides, driving so long in the car, being in non-child proofed houses, time changes, sleeping arrangements. The list could go on.
I was wondering if any Mom's had advice for me. Any kind of advice. My big worry right now is forgetting to pack something crucial.
Also, I've been hearing nasty stories about baby's ears getting a lot of pressure from the altitude change on the plane. Obviously, they don't know how to pop their ears. Any ideas on how to deal with that?
Any other suggestions.... ?


Elizabeth said...

Traveling isn't as bad as you think it is. Eric and I have traveled to Wise (9 hours) 5 times and we have survived. If you forget something, oh well, don't worry it will all work out. There will be soo many people that Aubree will be playing with that the baby proofing won't be that big of a deal.

Plane rides, I made sure that I fed Reiley while we took off and landed. I was told that the sucking will take care of their ears and that a pacifier is not the same because they do not suck as hard. However you know how baby advise is, everyone has something different to say so something else might work as well.

I hope we get to see you!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First off, like I've said every day, your first trip home with Baby G will be the worst. Everything will be new and stressful, but I have faith that you're going to do an excellent job! I couldn't do half the things you've done, are doing and will do.

I sent you a message on myspace, I hope you got it. I just called and left a voicemail. Wow - I sound like a stalker.


I can't post it enough about how excited I am to see you all!! :)

Elizabeth said...

How was the vacation?! Post some pictures!!

Will you guys be heading back to Wise anytime soon?? We will be back in April and May. Maybe we will cross paths then