Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Next Million Dollar Idea

Somebody needs to invent a website that lets you pre-design your cake (or cupcakes) online before you make it at home. I'm envisioning it to be like "Paint" but with standard cake shapes, decorating tips, different fonts and lots of colors to experiment with. It could be called "Cake Blueprint" or something like that. I am getting ready to make my daughter's 2nd birthday cake (yes cake, not cupcakes) and want to see what different options would look before I commit to one. I'm the furthest thing from an artist, so the ole' pen & paper aren't going to do me any good. Plus, how do you draw a scalloped edge? Way beyond my talent. So, can somebody please come to my rescue and construct one? Thanks in advance. Oh, and I need it up & running by Friday!

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