Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday = Funday

A little about my day:

Aubree brought me a hand full of dog puke this morning.
Thank God she hadn't put any in her mouth!
I washed her hands and then saw 4, yes 4, piles of dog puke that Dixon was re-ingesting. Yum. So, I had a lengthy carpet shampooing party this morning.

Then, I was chillaxing on the couch and saw a tiny red ant. I looked down and they were everywhere!
I got out the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the carpet where they were, found the trail leading against the wall and have continued sucking them up all day.
The exterminators were supposed to come Sat and they didn't, so I called again today and put in another work order.

I'm very curious as to how the rest of my day will pan out.

On a completely different note: WE'RE MOVING TO CALIFORNIA!
Derek got this job he had applied for and he starts in November. There's a little debate as to how long the job's for. Either 2 or 3 years. Anyway, we're both excited. I can't wait to live 45 minutes from the beach. I'll miss Las Vegas, but I'm ready for a change.

Here's a random picture from today:


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've had "one of those days". Aubree Clare is too funny though! I love you guys!

Brooke said...

Yeah, it got a little better! Derek had to work late AND he has to work tomorrow too! :(

Elizabeth said...

Everything seems to always happen in one day, why?!?!

Eric told me that you were moving to CA, how exciting!! We need to come and visit. Will you all be in Wise anytime soon?