Monday, February 8, 2010

A Thorn in My Side

a.k.a. Salted Caramel Cupcakes

Whew! Well, at least it's over with!

I found this recipe some time ago from a fabulous blogspot. I was dying to try it. So, when my friend invited me to a Scentsy party, my first thought was "YES, but only if I can bring some cupcakes!"

Round 1: The recipe only made 12 cupcakes, so I doubled it to make 24 cupcakes that eventually turned into wells. They had a big sink hole in the middle of them. I googled reason why this happens and none of them applied to me. Then I realized I hadn't doubled the eggs. Dummy.

Round 2: I doubled the recipe again doubling the eggs this time. The end result blew my mind. About half of the cupcakes were okay and the other half were just like the first batch- SUNK.

I have no idea what the issue was. Maybe I should have doubled some ingredients but not others. I'm not that scientific yet.

But...... on to buttercream. It turned out passable. The homemade caramel I made to mix in it tasted a little burnt. My bad. I frosted them anyway and added the final ingredient, sea salt. Here's what I got:


I thought the salt made them taste like pretzels. I'm not a big fan of pretzels. Derek's first reaction was something along the lines of "HOW GREASY! HOW MUCH BUTTER ARE IN THESE?" Well... you don't want to know!

I didn't think they were horrible, but I'm not going to be proud to hand these out tomorrow. I'm just too lazy to bake something else!

1 comment:

Lydia said...

All the cupcakes look FANTASTIC! I would love to try each and every one of them! Man, I love cupcakes! I think it's the individual serving size that's so appealing!